The good could universally be the pleasurable, as "the end of good acts is their being conducive to life in oneself and in others. Life, itself, is good or bad according as it does or does not bring a surplus of agreeable feeling."
A bit inappropriate, but I cant think of anything else. Chai kasi.. hehehe, you stirred the pseudo philosopher in me. Anyway, as I pretend to be logical, I believe that goodness brings pleasure. Or pleasure brings goodness. In simple words, I would just like to share that I experienced pleasure from doing something good.
This morning, Ada and I had the chance to join the 2nd UP Manila GK Build in Baseco, Tondo. Upon entering AS gates and reaching the steps at 7:30 am, we saw NOT A SINGLE GK member. Wahaha. All the while we thought that the others have left us for the site. Naah. All of them just came LATE.
We were actually planning not to go, but I guess there was something that stopped us to.
After waiting for about an hour and 30 min, finally we rode the jeep to Baseco. Although we (Ada and I) were only the ones from CPH and the rest were from the College of Medicine (Well, except for Lady), I would say that we didn't feel out-of-place. Med peeps rock! :D
The best part was, aside from painting our assigned house salmon pink, seeing how Baseco people smile even if you ask them trivial things, like anong pangalan ng anak niyo? pano matatanggal ang pintura sa pantalon ko? anong ginagawa niyo? Pity is an inappropriate term, but that's how I'd best describe what I felt as Ada and I were painting the walls with our cute rollers and talking to those people.
It just made me realize how blessed I am to experience this kind of living. Hay..
Fun part: Picture taken by Nikki

Saya!! :D