Tuesday, December 27, 2005
And of course, there is nothing else to tell but what I did this Christmas break. Nyahaha. Aside from reading John Grisham's The Brethren, I have done a great job of behaving myself for about 16 hours a day from the 24th until the 26th of December. How? By sleeping. And because of my new addiction (+ 6 meals a day), I have been rewarded an extra 4 pounds this break. Hurray to Hypnos!
Man, I have been forbidden to use Metformin HCl. huhu. I just saw in our medicine box at home dozens of Glucophage! Bakit ngaun lang? waahh. Now I am faced with a very difficult task: to count calories, again (I havent been doing this for months.).
December 23rd: We were preparing for our trip to Cagayan with our beloved travelmates, the Abrasaldo family. When we reached NLE, we couldnt help ourselves but compare it with our own lovely SLE. Tsk..Mas maganda nga ang NLE. The feeling is funny, but I was amazed at how long the Toll Plaza was. Patawad, taga Dirty South ako. hehe At about 10-11 pm, we reached Cabanatuan City, and spent the night there. And Ryan, the most popular resident of Cabanatuan in PH, was on his way to Manila then. Wehehe! Sayang!
December 24th: Sleeping Session 1. We started heading North. Passing through the different towns of Nueva Ecija, we at last reached Region 2. I really didnt know that Nueva Vizcaya was the next Province to NE. (Nueva Ecija, Nueva Vizcaya .. makes sense!.. nyahaha) Lagot ako sa SIBIKA teacher ko nung grade school. hehe
After many hours of butt-warming travel, we FINALLY reached Aparri! Ang dulo ng Filipinas! And as it was on the whole trip, we cant see much scenery because we always arrive at the place at midnight. Awww
December 25th: Mommymama's birthday. Yey! Mama has turned 46! After having franks for breakfast, we headed to a little village near the South China Sea. Sa Aparri pala maraming hipon. hehe The kilometer reading in our car showed: 618. The trip continued, and they were planning to go back South to Baguio. But this time, with a different route. We crossed the northern border to Pagudpod, then headed South through Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, and La Union. Since it was a Sunday, we stopped by a small Baptist church in Alcala, Cagayan. We had wonderful fellowship, although we really didnt understand the preaching (because it was in Ilocano). While at church, (*tsk.. bad) Ryan told me that he got sir Harry's number on Friendster's bulletin board. Ryan, greeted him 'Merry Christmas', and so did I. hehe
Kris: "Merry Christmas, sir Harry!"
**Take note: I called him 'Sir Harry' sa text. waah! careless!
Sir Harry: "Merry Christmas!:) may i knw hu this is pls?:)"
Kris: "Sir, I am one of your students in your Histology class last semester. Nasa friends list nyo po ko s friendster. I got your number from the bboard.:)"
Sir Harry: "Ah ok. Haha.:) no prob! Bt n u give me ur name na? Dnt have net access nw, hehe.:)"
**Mukhang pinapahaba ko ang usapan namin dito. hehe
Kris: "Its Kris, sir.:)"
**Waah! Ang iksi ng reply ko! :P
Sir Harry: "ayt.:)enjoy ur break!:)"
Kris: "Thanks sir.:) See you at school! Happy Holidays!:)"
**Hehe, feeling close
Wehehe.. Kilig ako! :
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Although I have been always talking about studying and my eagerness to finish college to enter Medicine school, I still DEMAND a longer break. 2 weeks is just equivalent to 2 hours if you have done too much of everything for the past semester.
Contrary to my previous post, last week, there had been drastic changes in my daily routine. Instead of the 1-14 list of Things-To-Do, everything happened at random. A few years back, my parents have decided not to visit the cemetery during the first week of November due to heavy traffic in Sucat. To take advantage of the work holiday, we would always go out of town for swimming or a road trip.
For this year, they decided to visit the Bicol Region -- to know how it feels to drive through 400++ kilometers of dust, rocks, and rains. Whew. It took us 12 hours to reach our destination, Legazpi City. We had a breathtaking view of Mayon Volcano at dusk, and it hasnt lost all of its beauty yet. Unlike Mt. Makiling of which I have the privilege to see everyday, Mayon Volcano was almost ideal. It was green, and has that shape so much like those sketches I did in grade school.
Sad to say, I think the only tourist attraction there was the ruins of the Cagsawa church, which, if you still can remember, is the small tower we see in postcards of Mayon Volcano. For PhP 7.00 you can take a closer look at it, and shop at a small dry market of Bicol souvenirs. ANd since it was sembreak, I had no money to buy myself something. Thank God I have a mom!
The trip back to Laguna seemed never-ending. 14 hours through Legaspi, Albay, Camarines Sur, Camarines Norte, Batangas -- we passed a hundred of towns until we reached little San Pedro.
Still unsatisfied with the trip we had to Bicol, we spent a night swimming in Pansol Laguna last Friday. That morning I had to get my phone from Shopwise in Araneta Center (Fortunately, the hardware was brought to life, thanks to Dr. Joshua. I still have problems with the software though. Grr that water!). We had to rush back home to prepare for the swim.
My brother's girlfriend, Aura, came with us to Pansol. And yes, we are very good friends now.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
For the past few days I've been doing nothing different from this sequence:
1. wake up, look in the mirror
2. go downstairs, search for cereal, bread or rice
3. eat 6-10 cookies (300 calories!)
4. call my mom
5. play games with my siblings
6. take a shower, sing
7. play piano (composers in this sequence: BACH, CLEMENTI, then try MOZART, frustration begins, go back to VON GAEL, and for a finale BEETHOVEN's Fur Elise with wrong counting and weak fingers)
8. hurry because mom's waiting outside
9. take a tour of Laguna (but not leisurely)
10. eat dinner at a restaurant along South Luzon Expressway
11. watch PBB, if it is still on TV, or else watch a movie
12. play with siblings til midnight
13. Crawl into my parent's bed and hug my mom
14. Wake up and realize that I slept in my parent's bed the night before
Small alterations in between aren't really that noticeable. Hay.. But still, I prefer this life for the next few weeks because I hate schoolwork haunting me in my dreams.
Hmm.. wait. Last Saturday *Toot* asked me to save my number in his phone! OMGulay. We were eating at KFC Morayta (at magkatapat pa kmi ng seats ^_^) when he took his phone out and told me "wala pa kong number mo.." and then he gave me his phone. Ahaha- the wallpaper was a picture of him (vain, conceited? nah). After saving my number in his phonebook, I gave the phone to Bob and told him to also put his number there. Ayoko kc isauli s kanya ung phone eh. :P
Here's the bad part: my phone's busted! gulay, my stupidity. I placed a half-filled distilled water bottle in my bag, and I didnt know that it wasnt tightly capped. GRR. I just felt something cold in my lap, and then *poof! What I saw next was my half-soaked NMAT Application form, my wet wallet, and then my xda completely soaked in that electrolyte-depleted water! BAKIT NGAUN PA! waaaahh!!! :( We went to SM Las Pinas to check if a certain QuickCom still does services for XDA phones. I saw their name on the box of my Phone and with no hesitation asked my brother to accompany me to the shop. BUT -- The company has already given up XDA phones servicing! Tsktsk. Now, I have to go to Cubao to have my phone fixed. My dad's gonna kill me (verbally). huhuhu
I have received enough karma for this month. Lord, forgive me.
Gulay, the NMAT is nearing! God bless to all of those who'd take the test. Study Kris, study.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
1. fulfilled my dream of wearing a white uniform, and a name plate
2. first had medical doctors as lecturers
3. understood the electrocardiogram results (ecgraph?. hehe)
4. learned how to use a sphygmomanometer
5. met Dr. Harry Trinidad, my soulmate. joke!! hehe
6. met -toot- and **** and #@#@# and many more
7. knew what the word "trans" means
8. had close encounter with E.coli
9. appreciated the 2.00 I got from AS years
10.first got my 2.50 on a classcard
11. lived a pseudo-independent life for more than a month
12. salivated until I had enough (5 ml) for our experiment
13. had a first taste of puto bumbong
14. had an exam for 3 straight days
A bit shallow, but it was fun. Waaah!! Its the best semester ever! :)
I sure am gonna miss u all! Kitakits sa Nov 9!
** Wait, did I mention it was my first time to enter a bar, breathe in plenty of cigarette smoke, and see a girl and a boy half naked? Tsktsk.. bad girl *** hehe
Monday, September 12, 2005
Last time, I felt like I was the happier-than-the-happiest person in the world.
The story begins with..
Last Saturday, I went to Espana for my review classes without knowing that we are going to have a finals on Sociology. MyGulay, I dont know anything about sociology except for the meaning of CULTURE -- and unfortunately, that one didn't come out on the exam, so I went through all the questions scribbling nonsense. Wahaha, it was fun, because for the first time, I didn't have to worry about flunking. Biglang nawala si GC Kris.
Lunch time came, and it was again a 'bonding moment' for or review class. Two students from La Salle, joined us at McDo Espana. Nyahaha.. The girl was silent, and didnt much like talking to us. The guy, Ray Victor, was asking about admission to medical schools and paid much attention to what I was saying about UP Medicine. Ayihee. Wala lng :) We had the same food - Savory Beef rice, except that he had an apple pie for dessert. And for me? Wala. Diet eh. hehe
Upon returning to class, I saw a guy in white shirt on the seat where I was for the AM session. YES, it was him . ayihee.. talaga naman. I sat on the next row, beside Bob's seat. A CASCADE (hehehe) of EVENTS came next...
Melissa: Hey, -toot- manonood cya (pointing to me) ng teatro.
-Toot-: Oh, talaga?@?@ tsk (While extending his hand to me, wanting me to tap it)
###OF COURSE, what would I do?###
Kris: (Extending hand, and tapping -toot-'s) Oo, manonood ako. (Sabay smile)
-Toot-: (Smile din)
Kris: Kasali ka dun?
-Toot-: hehe, ndi ako kasali sa actors, technical director ako.
Kris: haha, kala ko makikita kita sa stage...
-Toot-: ay, hindi...
###At sumunod ang walang katapusang exchange of glances### Yuk, kapal///
Before classes ended, he turned back and asked for my seatmate's name.
-Toot-: Ano name mo?
Ate: Celine Abigail
###Tapos tumitingin cya sa akin, (feeling) pero ayaw ko tumingin, I was pretending to listen to the lecture###
After class, when we were all standing up, and waiting for handouts for the classes we missed,
-Toot-: (Turning back, then facing me) Ano name mo?
Kris: Kris
-Toot-: Grace? Ah.. Grace
Kris: Hindi.. Kris (With the strong KKRRR sound)
-Toot-: Ah.. :)
And then we all went home. But before that, we smiled at each other//`~~
Haba ng post ko noh?? Meron pa yan, kaya lng malapit na mag-Anat. Cge, next time n lng ulit :)
Friday, September 09, 2005
Speaking of eagerness, I can't wait until 8 am tomorrow! Just when I thought that my NMAT Review classes would be the most boring hours of my life, now they seem to be the most exciting! nyehehe. [To Ryan] It is not just because SOMEBODY's there, or because I have gained a lot of friends -- it's the thought of becoming a doctor someday that thrills me the most. Now it is REALLY final: I WANT TO BECOME A DOCTOR. I want to be different from others, I would like to take risks. I want to feel how it is like to be used in lengthening another's life. I want to experience how it is to be in the ER treating patients in trauma. As it is printed on my highschool yearbook,
Missionary Doctor
I can't wait to reach out to people's souls by sharing God's goodness to me at the same time practicing my profession as a doctor.
A year and more than a half to go. Soon I'd be studying cadavers, viewing slides, and learning Medicine. More than that, I'd be preparing for the most important phase of my life - Servanthood.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Ok lang nman cguro kung hindi ko na ituloy ung post? Nkalimutan ko na eh.
So heres something new (well, not really for my classmates): Ive already moved to Manila! Yahoo! The place is at a small building along Leon Guinto St [Funny though that the building itself was named after the street -- LG Building. Well, maganda na rin kc pag tinanong ako kung san ako nakatira, Id be saying only two letters for two questions (Saan? Anong tawag sa building?) Hehehe walang sense ang sinasabi ko]. I live with my sister, and its both a good and bad thing for me: good, because I'll have somebody to clean the room for me (because I can't.. I'm too busy studying. Wushu!), and bad because I really prefer living alone. Nyahaha
I have tasted independence for 6 days! Ang sarap! hehe hmm.. masaya, because you won't have to create excuses for going out and arriving late. Pero I am a bit sad because I miss my family, especially my mom, who has been very close to me lately. Naiiyak naman ako.. huhu. My mom knows a lot about me, and I share a lot of my secrets to her. Miss ko n cya kc lagi kming magkasama nung summer, kc I drive for her. Hayy.. Kahit na minsan you wont understand her reasoning, I always realize in the end that she's right, and I only misunderstood her at the very beginning.
Ang drama ko naman.
Here's the lighter part na. Last Saturday I had my NMAT review class at Brains Espana. Ahihi.. at cyempre alam ni Bob ito. Ang saya-saya ko! Hmm.. Ayaw ko ishare baka mabasa ni I.T. ito! nkakahiya! (Yuk Kris, ikaw ba yan?) Here are the highlights of my conversation with Bob while we were eating lunch at Chowking Morayta:
Bob: Halata ka na!
Kris: Nyak, hindi kaya. Baka siya!!
Together: HAHAHA Ahihihi
Hehe un lang. Basta sa interested, kwento ko na lang.
Onga pala, on my way home last Saturday, I met another guy from class. Kinausap nya ko kc nkita nya nghihintay ako ng masasakyan noon sa Espana. I wasnt able to ask for his name, pero I call him the UPLB guy, for the obvious reason that he graduated from UP Los Baños (BS Biology, Cum Laude). Woah! We shared a lot of stories during our 45-minute ride to Buendia. Sa Sta. Rosa kc nkatira, and pareho kmi ng bus terminal! Grabe, galing nya. Our conversation was spontaneous (aba), as he discussed his thesis to me. Galing galing!
Un lang.. gawin ko pa physio namin.. :)[Imissedbloggingsomuch]
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
15 years in school, and 7 more to go. I have never been so damn worried in my life than I am today. Ive got two exams to take (biostat - friday; physiology - monday). I haven't even started reading that book i bought from DEBS, and I haven't read anything from Guyton and Hall either. OMG, what am I doing? Babebube, boink! (I just wanted to see that phrase there)
Anyway, here goes the serious part. Nung sinabi Chuagirl Francine, "Ayoko na mag-aral!" I answered her, "But, this is our destiny!" Waah? Alam ko na ang destiny ngaun?
Eversince that day my mom said that destiny is not the appropriate term for explaining things that are ought to occur, I have refrained from using that word, and I have replaced it with God's will in my dictionary. But there's volition, and all the cliche that comes with it. Ang gulo, at hindi ko talaga maintindihan. Sino bang nakakaalam?
Monday, June 27, 2005
I really have nothing new to share. Thanks Tricia & Francine for 'inspiring' me to write a new post. :) Mahal ko kayo - Sandara Park
Ano nga ba. I can't construct a sentence (Well, yung may sense at least). Hmm.. for the past few weeks, nothing too-exciting-to-be-blogged has happened to me. For my two brothers, wow.. they could blog everyday and write something new each time. Buti pa sila.. Wawa naman ako!
But then again, I could write about them on my blog! Kaya lang, they'd kill me if I do that.
Gtg ulit, gotta do the Physio paper.
Monday, June 20, 2005
This may be my last post for this semester, as I have decided to focus (naks) on my academic duties (Isn't that what I do every semester? Nah, this sem, its different). Of course, if given time, I would love to inform you about the happenings in my life for the next few months. But I ain't sure how often.
Wow, a farewell post. Im gonna miss blogging for sure.. and it is one of the sacrifices I have to make as I enter my junior year. Aww.. dramatic
Gotta go.. I have to finish my Micro Lab Manual! :C
Im gonna miss you all!
From the anxious, stressed, tired, worried Mademoiselle GC
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I MISS SCHOOL SO MUCH that I wanna go to UPM to attend classes even if I am not in the class list. Bwisita ba. haha.. Sana lang payagan ako.
Onga pala, my mother had me enrolled to piano lessons two weeks ago, and I don't like my teacher, though I think that she's very good. Attending our weekly meetings just degrades me because she makes me play too simple pieces and the room sounds like there's a 9-year-old girl sitting and doing her recital piece. Nyah! I know I am not that good, pero..pero.. alam nyo na yon..
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Good news: I dont have to undergo a refresher course! I tried driving (again, it was my first in two years) from our house to Biñan through Southwoods. Yey! Hindi ko naibunggo ung kotse, pero mga 5 times ako namatayan ng engine. Nakakahiya mang sabihin, I forgot na kailangan pala ng clutch pag nagbbreak. Nyehehe.. Yuk!!
Today, I also drove the car to Pacita (To where my brother Hope takes his advanced summer classes) and to USPS (To my brother's school because he had to be enrolled). Nyahaha..Nakapag-park na rin ako sa wakas! At hindi iyon natapos dun: After eating lunch, I drove all the way to Cabuyao, Laguna upang ihatid ang aking mama sa kanyang negosyo. Ang haba nun, 20-25 KM yata. Yey!
Bad news: I lost my SIM card! Huhu.. Actually, it was not me, but my GREAT brother IVAN. Grr! I hate him, but what can I do? The phone was his anyway, and naging akin lang yon because it was confiscated from him as he was engaging for too many hours texting his juvenile girlfriend. Nagkataong nasira ang aking tunay na phone. WALA TULOY AKONG PHONE NGAYON! Hay.. so sad. Pero I learned that I can survive a day without my phone. Himala! SURVIVAL COUNT: a week and a few days.
GC updates: I got all of my grades, except for SocSci II. Dr. Lu told the class that the release of classcards would be at the date of registration for summer classes (which was last week, April 14). I went to school yesterday to get my other cards and still, the SocSciII cards were not available. Huhu.. Ang GC noh? Wala lang!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
I decided to take brain tests as the GC me is beginning to come back. haha. Actually I am at a computer shop near the school waiting for my brother to finish all his requirements for readmission. nyahaha. I got 3 of my classcards and I am going to post my grades maybe next week (When I have all of my classcards already), as I have done last semester. Kc diba promise ko un sa pioneer entry ko? [Recall: "Get Ready for the GCest entries you'll ever read!] *Waiting for my XDA* yabang! joke lang.. hehe chigechige
Your Brain is 60.00% Female, 40.00% Male |
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve |
Hmm. I knew I was still female though my mom tells me sometimes to stop acting like a little BOY. nyahaha Sometimes I am thinking of what could possibly happen if the hormones which stimulated the development of my gonads were that for males. (Naks, zoo yan). Hmm..
You Are 65% Left Brained, 35% Right Brained |
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
You Are Pretty Logical |
![]() (You got 50% of the questions right) You're a bit of a wizard when it comes to logic While you don't have perfect logic, you logic is pretty darn good Keep at it - you've got a lot of natural talent in this area! |
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Im gonna be a good driver someday. Better than my dad and my kuya. Hmmp!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
I can't make my entry as dramatic as Ryan's , as I am not a good writer, but I would like to say the same things. I am thankful for all my friends, who shared sad thoughts with me after every exam in Anatomy and Chem which killed our social lives a bit. And so I dedicate this entry to them (naks)..
Ryan, Rox, Dette, Krissy, Tricia, Francine, Sharon.. Miss ko na kayo lahat! I pray that the next semester wouldn't give us much stress as this last one. Sana maiplano natin ang lahat nang tama. :)
Sunday, April 10, 2005
A public confession at our church is to happen, and it involves two of the people I regard with utmost respect. They are the leaders of our youth organization, two of the most people least expected by all to commit such a sin. Whew, how the devil works in such unexpected ways so as to topple the church and the believers.
Even though it seems (or maybe is) resolved, I still can't get it off my mind. You cannot blame me, because I had always given them my trust and I looked up much to them. Even though we had always suspected that something was going on between them, they would always prove our thoughts wrong as they would deny them.
Through this experience I have proved that sin is so powerful it can make any person even the unimaginable.
I suggest we should be watchful. Always.
Friday, April 08, 2005
As we have planned the day's events, we watched a movie. Actually, I told Chai that we were to watch a horror film (Hide and Seek). But when we were at the booth, we decided to watch Sandra Bullock's instead, ehehe because Hide and Seek seems not too scary. Miss Congeniality 2 is a good film, but it is not that excellent. haha I suggest you watch Hide and Seek instead.
And of course, our day wouldn't be complete without something to make us remember the happenings of that day. So, we went to Kameraworld, and had pictures of us three taken by the antipatikong phototgrapher (Grrr.. how we hate him!). Although the pictures turned out good, we still hate that man. Hmmph! Kung hindi lang mura sa shop niyo!!!!!
We were talking of .. I can't remember hehe.. while walking, when Vangie (was it her, or Chai?) suggested a sleepover at our house. I said its alright, and then "ngayon na?" Wahaha Voila! A plan was made. With no extra clothes, pajamas, and fully-charged cellphone batteries (Chai? ehehe), and with just a text message sent to Vangie's mother and a call made to Chai's brother, Vangie and Chai headed for Laguna from Robinson's Place Ermita. Yeyeyey!
We ate, I slept (because they watched Full House from my mama's collection..hhehe) and then watched Full House again the next morning. I was always talking about Jessie and was like "ay, ung parang kay Jessie..", "uy! si Jessie", "Jessie! Jessie!". Sa makatuwid, mukha akong Jessie. Puro Jessie na lang sinasabi ko. Parang ngayon. hehe manood kayo ng Full House!
Hay that night was as unforgettable as the time I spent with them the day before. Salamat sa inyo! :) :)
Thursday, April 07, 2005
While talking through YM Evangeline (haha) last week, she and I decided to meet in Manila. There would be no classes then, and no exams to worry about. So we agreed on the plan immediately. Yet I found one thing hard to do: pa'ano ako magpapaalam? Classes and exams are over. Why'd go to Manila and spend PhP 100 on bus fare and about PhP 100+ for food when you can stay and eat at home? My answer to that: to experience being with the people I love the most again [yeah, after about 2 months (Vangie), and a semester (Chai)]. As a solution, Evan texted me something like this last Tuesday evening: "Dude, tuloy ba tayo tomorrow? Kung hindi pwede, wag na lang. Wag ka magsinungaling." Hehe. Sira talaga 'tong si Vangie. When was the time I lied to my mom about going out with you, my friend? hehe. No, I haven't committed such a sin (as far as I can remember). Yet after a while, I began to smile. Vangie has changed a lot. As in A LOT. I don't know the exact details of how she came to know Christ and Christian ways, but for sure I am very grateful to those people who helped her through. Being her friend for over four years, I know I should have been the one to have introduced her to the Bible and talked to her about salvation. Yet I guess, I was too shy then. I regret those times when I had the chance. Thank God for the people He used in UP Diliman who lead Vangie to Christ. She is such a special soul.
All the while I thought that I would become unChristian as I entered highschool. I was thirteen then, and was forced to stay in my grandma's house in Manila because my parents were worrying that I wouldn't be able to have enough time to study if I would travel to Manila from Laguna everyday. Ooops.. wrong word. I wasn't forced exactly, because I really enjoyed my stay at Nanay's. I grew up in her house until I was four, when in 1990, we moved to San Pedro because my parents bought a house there. I love Nanay so much, and now its a sad thing that she aint living with us now (May storya din ito, but I think it would be too degrading to tell you all about it here). And so back to my highschool story. I was (and am) thanking God because I was kept in track as I found a true Christian friend -- Christine Villafranca, who is now fondly called Chai. We had the same beliefs, and belonged to the same denomination (Baptist). I am so blessed to have an influence such as her's, which was not too strict nor liberated. She would always have the best advice for each problem, and it was as if she knew all of the Bible. To have such a friend is like -- having an instant pastor beside you everyday? Hehe, just joking. The feeling is really different -- contrary to what most people think of about being constrained in conservative traditions and strict 'holy' ways, the times I spent with Chai had those moments of being free with allowances for making mistakes. Overcoming them with a wonderwoman (hehee) was a fortifying experience. Too bad we had to part ways, as she didn't prefer to engage in a medical profession, and chose to become a Physicist (Woohoo! Go Chai! Pambato ka namin jan sa ADMU!).
Every now and then as some of you may have noticed, I have devoted my time making entries about my highschool life and friends. More than being thankful for the years of friendship, I am most thankful that they know Christ and I am sure to meet them in heaven. Friends forever, nga naman (forgive the cliche, hihi). I love you my friends!! :)
Monday, April 04, 2005
After taking the exam this morning, I know I just wasted my time studying. I SHOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN THE EXAM. I should have been eating and watchin TV with my siblings. To be able to get a 1.75 in my classcard, I have to get 95 points in the finals. Where the h*ll would I get such? I wasnt able to answer the second problem right. [Hernie, I guess my 'panata' is over.] To get a 2.0, I have to get an 82, and for a 2.25, a 72.
Ah!-ah! [ala-Maek] Those are so over my powers. Especially after knowing that I am least 65% sure that I got the answers right. Hello, 2.5..
Sure I am hoping that another miracle would happen just like that of last semester. Yet as I see it, and as my brother has always reminded me, Ma'am Yao aint like Sir Engle who'd give you credit for the final exam. I need prayers.
AN EXAM TO GO, and then more than a month to relax. Thank God this semester is over.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
(I'm still waiting there.. winter is here.. I'm still waiting there.. haha)
The nights of my sufferings are soon to be ended. No more 4 a.m. naps, Bacchus-gulping, Kent-browsing (browsing na lang kc I dont have time to read the whole chapter.), & cat-dissecting. Only 5 major written exams to go, an oral exam, and I on my way to Nirvana.
Time runs so fast that I couldn't help but daydream that I am going to be on my third year in college next semester. It seems that high school graduation happened only a few months ago, and I couldn't even remember clearly my freshmen years at UPM. Of course, excluding EK's memories. hehe joke. So many changes took place and I am left wondering how they just passed by. Hay.. soon, I'll be on med school, and later on, a housewife (hehe yuk).
Today, I felt a little thrill & disgust at the same time upon listening to my sister's story. She told me that at lunchtime, Matthew's mother called her and asked, "Hey, kamusta na si Kris?"
If you don't know Matthew, lemme give u an introduction. hehe Kuya Matthew and I met at an online Christian network, and since then, we started sending text messages to each other. Of course, I enjoyed our conversations and began to like him, because aside from being a Christian, he is also smart. And I just couldnt help but have a crush on him. And so, months passed and 2 weeks ago he confronted me. He was like asking if I have a crush on him. HALLER? I just hate guys who do that. How dare him ask me! Grr. I got so angry and irritated so I stopped replying to his messages. Now his mother always talks to my sister, asking why the sudden change.
So here's the continuation of my sister's story. Matthew's mother's actions were shocking. I actually screamed when I heard my sister's first lines, and began saying "ohmigosh." A Kumare of his mother was there too, whose daughter is my batchmate. So they were like so in to the Matthew-Kris story which I think doesn't deserve that much attention. And guess what -- This kumare even told my sister (while pertaining to Matthew's mom): "Oh, eto nga pala ung magiging biyenan niya." My gulay! I haven't thought of marrying him even. When my mom hears this, she's going to laugh. Hard. really. hehe ExtraSuperUltra funny.
Weird even. hehe and Matthew ain't courting me.
Enough of ridiculous things. I am going to start with my SocSci II final paper.
Monday, February 28, 2005
Too bad that this was our last day of experiments for organic chemistry. Gosh, I'll miss those mornings where my partner Rox and I would wash glasswares and use the dilapidated droppers and bottles for the reagents. And of course, I would miss those chances of talking with my crush, Sir Robby. :) I really admire him because he is so humble and I feel that he really loves us. hehe If only.. :P I believe there's still chance. hehe
We werent able to synthesize aspirin because most of our (actually my fault) were consumed by the synthesis of soap. Am I that stupid? Why did it take me two days to finish just a simple experiment? I feel so useless. I wasnt able to weigh our crude soap before I dissolved it. Arrggghhh
1,2,3,4,5.. Ive only got 5 nights to study for our Chem lec exam. Huhu.. I am not used to getting scores in the range of 50-60 (That's why I cried when I failed 1 exam last sem). Why cant I get an 80 or a 70 even? Huhu Indolencia.. hehe (PI100). MAybe I am being punished because I have committed too many sins this sem.
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Arrgh. I really hate this. I even wished I didn't join Christianster. Gosh. I am so stupid.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Sunday, February 20, 2005
She has been acting so irritated these days. (And I believe that it is partly my fault.) I feel so guilty of not being a good sister to her. Actually I miss those days when we played with our dolls, talked about our crushes, had math and science lectures, ate together, and almost do everything together. She has really been sweet to me, but sometimes, I just don't like her being around. I think that I have the "ATE" (elder sis) Syndrome. My friend Vangie told me once that she got irritated with her "ate" because she wouldn't let her sleep in THEIR bed. Actually, I believe that "ate"s naturally undergo this stage when they hate their female siblings. Is it just jealousy? Maybe. But I don't think so. (pride)
Of course I love my sister Jill. She's my number one fan (I think). hehe She was the only one who'd give me compliments everyday in our family. Parang siya ung nanay na proud sa anak. hehe Aww.. I miss her.
I feel so stupid for acting such. hay..
By the way, the reason why she (my sister) is so happy now, is because she passed the UPCAT. Now, we're going to be schoolmates. hehe
*BAD NEWS: I gained 5-10 pounds yata. OMG. I am starting to get fat again. Huhu. I cant control myself anymore when it comes to eating. Gosh, I'll start my diet tomorrow.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
This week hasn’t been that much hell as Ive expected (and not like those previous weeks). Tuesday was a near-hell experience, though.
I had my plans: Sunday and Monday evenings would be my time to study for my Zoology Laboratory Exam. Arrgh. I haven’t been listening to the professor, because every Wednesdays (Zoo Lab class), I usually am too tired to read the manual and prepare for class. Add to that my tardiness: class is scheduled to start at 7 am, but I come to class at 830 am.
*$#6! They were just plans. And I made no promises to keep them. I started studying for the exam only Monday evening. I read the introduction to the chapter about the Urogenital System, and then I decided to get some sleep at 11 pm.
I woke up at 730 am, and then realized that I haven’t studied the latter major parts of the reviewers yet. I have class @ 830, and it would be impossible to prepare myself and my things for school and travel in one hour. Therefore, I skipped classes that day.
The exam was scheduled to be at 6 pm. Dahil nakonsyensya ako, I came to school too early for the exam at 4 pm.
The Lord still has been good to me: I didn’t know the exam has been moved to start at 5 pm. I was 1 hr early.
While I was entering the school gates (in detail pa talaga), I felt dizzy and cold. Yes, nilagnat pa ko bago mag-exam. I thought I wouldn’t be able to take the exam because I had terrible headache. Thanks to my classmates na kumulit at nagcomfort sa akin. And thanks to Dette and Ryan na pumunta pa ng Mercury Drug across Taft Ave. upang ibili ako ng biogesic (which costs PhP 2 each. Would you believe it is that cheap? Woah grabe)
I forced myself to take the exam because I had no other choice. Inside the laboratory it was so hot, that I was really sweating while taking the exam. Un lang pala kailangan ko para mawala lagnat ko.
Tuloy ko n lng kwento ko next tym. hehe
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Twenty three questions to be answered as an essay each. I hate Soc Sci II! (The exam part only)
Today was our Soc Sci II mid-term exam, and it was badly set because I had an exam yesterday. If you’ve read my previous post, you’d know that I haven’t been gaining that much sleep. So last night, I slept as much as I can. Haha. I was too confident about the exam (SocSciII), because I was expecting that it’d be easy. But it turned out that I was wrong. Huhu
I also attended SOD’s weekly LIFE meeting. I have been attending for about 3x, and I am starting to feel comfortable with the people. Actually, I have met Ate Chrish (the group leader) since my freshman years through Ema. At first, I was attending weekly cell group meetings, but since Chem 27, and afterwards, Zoo 102 and Chem 31, I can’t spend time anymore with the group. But now, since the meeting fitted perfectly to my sched, I can’t let any chance of regaining spiritual strength and meeting Christian friends pass me by. As I have been telling you, my spiritual life is a bit low right now. But hey, not just a bit – it is way down low.
I enjoyed listening to Kuya Carlo’s message about winning souls for Christ, and his side stories about UP life, and other things. He quoted somebody, “The reason why people fear death is because after dying, they would realize that they had not lived at all.” And I was struck right through the heart. I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of what would happen after death. I am afraid that I have not been living at all – that I am not using this life to do my responsibility as a Christian, that is, to win souls for Christ. How could I be such a hypocrite – professing myself as a Christian, yet not making people feel that Christ has really changed me? How could I be so ungrateful? Selfish? Arrgh. I hate myself.
How I wish I had somebody to talk to about these things.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Our second exam for zoology was set today, and we were to read 5 chapters of the ever-loved Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy by Kent and Carr. And because I am the queen of procrastination, I started reading the book last Sunday and was able to finish reading 3 chapters only.
1:00 - 1:30 p.m. Organic Chemistry lab class ends, Rox and I ate lunch at the GAB cafeteria and parted ways because I had to go to CPH
1:30 - 2:00 p.m. I entered the OCS, presenting a picture and an affidavit of loss. I willingly lost my ID. hehe I also received letter about the academic scholarships for my classmates and myself.
2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Travel time, I was hoping to read a few pages of the book while at the bus, but Hypnos (GKNB?) passed by and I was put to a sleep.
3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Upon arriving at the village entrance, I decided to get a haircut. I wanted a new look when I study. [I often look at the mirror while studying. Somehow seeing an image of myself inspires me to continue reading. haha]
4:30 - 6:00 p.m. I watched MTV, ate bread, rice, meat, chocolates, and almost everything I found in the fridge. haha *guilt*
6:00 p.m. I decided to STOP eating and induced myself to vomit. hehe joke lang. I decided to start reading the book. I have actually finished reading the 1st chapter last Saturday. So I started reading the next chapter about vertebrae, etc.
8 p.m. I finished reading the chapter. 3 more to go! It took me that long because I often took breaks by playing the piano and mirror gazing. Mom arrived at about 9:30, and she gave me 2 250-ml cans of Bacchus, which Ive asked her to buy for me. I gulped the contents of the 1st can, and it tasted good (though Ryan said that it tasted somewhat like cough syrups,etc). whehe Actually I was addicted to it, so about an hour later, the next can's content was consumed.
2:00 a.m. I finished reading the 3rd chapter. This was the hardest chapter to read, I should say. It dealt with the skull and visceral skeleton of craniates. whew. I had to memorize the membrane bones of the dermatocranium, and their origins in different vertebrates. Sounds difficult, and it really is. But I enjoyed it. hehe
2:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. After feeling such an accomplishment of reading the chapter on the skull, I suddenly felt that I need not study the next chapters anymore. So I played the piano (while everyone's sleeping, hehe. I was continually playing "The Voice of the Heart" by Henri Von Gael. Nakakarindi na nga yata. hehe I was also trying to play Fur Elise, but I just can't do it as Beethoven did. I am no Maksim like my Kuya Ivan. This summer I promise! I am going to take piano lessons at Yamaha.) until I felt the GC me again. I rushed to the table and started reading the first quarter pages of the next chapter. I had slight headache, and closed my eyes for a few minutes, and then I decided that Id skip the 4th chapter and start reading the last chapter, the chapter about muscles.
5:00 a.m. I started fixing myslef and my things. I prepared too early for school, and arrived at the bus station, at about 5:20 a.m.
6:15 a.m. I arrived at school. With dim lights, I went up to the 3rd floor of the GAB to check if our room was open. I decided to stay at the RH-GAB corridor and read some handouts given to us by our professor. And oh, I bought cheese bread and water pala for breakfast.
7:45 a.m. I went to see if anyone of my classmates are already present. I saw Esther, from the other PH block.
** at 8:30 a.m. Mam de Guzman arrived carrying the test papers. As she came near to our room, I sadly reflected upon myself: suddenly, I just wanted to quit. School life was just too hard. Aside from not sleeping at all, I feel that I have neglected my responsibilities as a Christian. I can feel that I am spiritually degrading, and the feeling is scary. I owe too much to the Lord.
How I wish that He would give me the peace I have long been praying for.
Chai dude! Sorry. Mejo nagmamadali na ako s aking last entry. I was not able to mention specific things about you because they are just too many. hehe Sa akin na lang un. Kaw pa rin si best dude ever. hehe :) love you!
Saturday, January 29, 2005
I met five of my closest friends from high school hours ago: Chai, Vangie, Tom, Clarize, and Jane. [this may sound corny, but I cant express myself in other words] They are the most wonderful people on earth.
Reminiscing high school days makes me laugh at our innocence and simple desires. The codes we've made for almost every familiar face at school, the daily flag ceremonies, the missing BM notebook, the Jane-Rod, Jane-PM, and Chai-Ombao affairs (hehe), the Physics and Research classes [which we usually cut], funny pictures, childish attitudes, misunderstandings, and many other things make me yearn to go back to high school. Life back then was as not as complex as my life at the present; and it was not as happy. There was not too much pressure; and even in simple things we have found something to laugh at. The four years I spent in high school were those which I would not forget, ever.
I missed everyone, especially Jane, Tom, and Clarize. I have never met any of them for the past year before we met today. Jane is studying at PLM, and is a Dean's Lister with Magna Cum Laude standing. She hasn't changed a lot; except that she had been more sexy and beautiful (yihee! true!). She was the same Jane, or Maricris we knew: bold, friendly, and talkative. Tom Bryan Magnaye from UP Diliman is the greatest/best/most amazing/most talented/most brilliant mathematician I have ever known. I learned that for all his math courses, he got 1.00 as final grade. In one subject, though there was a flaw. He received a 1.25, and he wasn't happy with that. haha nakakabaliw Clarize/Moritz, also from UPD, is the true example of the beauty-and-brains. Simple, cute, and beautiful. And as always, she gets good grades from school. We were all shocked to know that she had a boyfriend: she's actually the second in the group to have one *next to the ever-beautiful vangie. haha
And of course, I badly miss Chai and Vangie. Since we stepped into university life, we had always made sure that we meet once in a while. And we have always found time to do so, in spite of busy scheds and the distance they had to travel to go to Padre Faura. I had also wished to visit them in Katipunan and Diliman, yet sadly, I have no time to do so. Puro Hirap kasi eh. Soon I will.
I realized that truly, my high school friends would forever be my friends. I love you all! :)