Sunday, April 10, 2005

Today, the Sunday morning air is different. I had always known this would happen, as the cliche goes, the truth is inevitable. But I wasn't expecting it would be this soon.. the news came as a shock, even to myself.
A public confession at our church is to happen, and it involves two of the people I regard with utmost respect. They are the leaders of our youth organization, two of the most people least expected by all to commit such a sin. Whew, how the devil works in such unexpected ways so as to topple the church and the believers.
Even though it seems (or maybe is) resolved, I still can't get it off my mind. You cannot blame me, because I had always given them my trust and I looked up much to them. Even though we had always suspected that something was going on between them, they would always prove our thoughts wrong as they would deny them.
Through this experience I have proved that sin is so powerful it can make any person even the unimaginable.
I suggest we should be watchful. Always.

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